
A golden tour and a unique experience to know all kinds of births | Get to know her

Every pregnant woman is looking for answers to many questions about the expected day of birth, and with every answer that opens new doors and questions, and more anxiety afflicts the couple with the end of the fast months of pregnancy, and the approaching day of the arrival of her child after waiting, eagerness, longing and many mixed feelings.
We will help you. Madam, choose the appropriate type of birth for you to congratulate your newborn and enjoy this special event.


Natural childbirth: the call of nature and the conclusion of the pregnancy period for every mother

With the end of the pregnancy journey, the body begins to prepare naturally for natural childbirth, and this process takes place smoothly and does not require external medical intervention. It is a biological process that begins in the last stages of pregnancy with hormonal changes in preparation for the mother’s entry into natural childbirth.

Hormonal changes begin with an increase in oxytocin, the hormone responsible for continuous uterine contractions. Over time, these contractions become stronger and more regular. This leads to a gradual widening of the cervix and the descent of the fetus.

It is worth noting that the pains of natural childbirth begin with mild, spaced contractions that gradually increase and may last for hours or days. And with the medical progress in following up on natural childbirth and keenness to provide the best experience for both the mother and the fetus, doctors compete to provide the experience of natural childbirth without pain so that the mother can enjoy this experience without the negative impact of annoying labor pains. The mother gets a sufficient amount of uterine contractions, but with the possible amount of effort and intensity.

Painless natural childbirth experiences have made a boom in the world of obstetrics and gynecology, and are a major reason for the increase in natural birth rates in recent years. It is worth noting that it is done by giving the anesthesiologist an anesthetic injection in the back vertebrae (Epidural Spinal Anesthesia) in the first stages of childbirth, and this step is done safely for both the mother and the fetus.


Caesarean section: the safe alternative to all obstacles

A cesarean section is done through a surgical incision in the lower abdomen and the fetus is extracted through the uterine opening. Resorting to it may be necessary in some cases where it is difficult to give birth naturally, so the safe alternative that the doctor suggests to you is a cesarean delivery.

What are the cases that require a cesarean delivery?

Pelvic narrowness and difficulty in passing the fetus through the birth canal.
Severe pre-eclampsia and high blood pressure, which puts the lives of both the mother and the fetus at risk.
Irregular gestational diabetes that causes a change in the size of the fetus or the emergence of any problems in the fetus during the follow-up period of pregnancy.
The sudden separation of the placenta, which causes the mother to lose a lot of blood, and makes a cesarean delivery an emergency to preserve the life of both the mother and the fetus.
Presence of previous births by caesarean section.


How do you prepare for the day of birth?

With simple steps, prepare for the beautiful day of birth

It is a beautiful and wonderful feeling to carry a baby inside you for nine months and bear all the troubles, problems and worries during this period; Rather, it is more beautiful to ease all these pains as soon as your child is born, hear his voice, and feel his warmth and softness.

Make an appointment now

It is a beautiful and wonderful feeling to carry a baby inside you for nine months and bear all the troubles, problems and worries during this period; Rather, it is more beautiful to ease all these pains as soon as your child is born, hear his voice, and feel his warmth and softness.


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