
Determining the gender of the fetus | Fact or trail of fiction

The semen of a man contains 50% of male sperm and 50% of female sperm. Pregnancy in a girl or a boy has many factors that we explain in this article.


Method of examining the sex of semen

It is impossible to completely separate male sperm and female sperm from each other so far, and there are no techniques even close to this goal.

In the case of examining the sperm to know its type, male or female, this examination destroys the sperm itself because the sperm is only one cell, and in order to know the type of cell, whether male or female, the cell must be broken to obtain the nucleus to examine the chromosomes, and thus the sperm will be broken And destroying it to know its type and therefore sperm cannot be examined in this way.


Stages of the process of separating the embryos to determine the sex of the newborn

The best way to determine the sex of the fetus is by separating the fetuses (PGD), and its success rate reaches (99%), and its success depends on the age of the wife, her health condition, the possibility of repeat pregnancy, and the method of delivery


Stages of the process of separating the embryos to determine the sex of the newborn

The best way to determine the sex of the fetus is by separating the fetuses (PGD), and its success rate reaches (99%), and its success depends on the age of the wife, her health condition, the possibility of repeat pregnancy, and the method of delivery

This method takes place in three stages:

  • Ovulation activation begins after the cycle starts from the beginning of a new month, after which the eggs are continuously monitored until they reach the required size for withdrawal.
    The eggs are withdrawn from the body through a dedicated vaginal needle under the influence of general anesthesia, and the microscopic fertilization of the egg takes place on the same day, and here the patients wonder whether it is possible to separate the sperm by the sifting method before performing the microscopic injection to increase the number of embryos of the desired sex, and studies have found that this method is useless and there is no difference in final pollination rates.
  • The eggs are injected with healthy and fast-moving sperm, which increases the possibility of injecting the eggs with male sperm, but this does not preclude the possibility of injecting the eggs with female sperm because there are 20% female sperm and the number of sperm exceeds millions most of the time.
  • The embryos are placed in special incubators and left for three days until each embryo reaches the stage of 6-8 cells, after which the embryo wall is pierced and one cell is withdrawn without causing damage or damage to the embryo, and the cell is studied to determine the embryo using the method of chromosomal staining (FISH). As well as the price of studying some chromosomal tests.

The legitimacy of determining the sex of the fetus

After consulting specialists among the clergy, the Egyptian Dar Al Iftaa confirmed that determining the gender of the fetus if it is at the individual level is nothing in Sharia that prevents it, but provided that the technology used does not harm the fetus in the future of its days and future, and this is up to the specialists.

This statement indicates that determining the sex of the fetus is permissible in Islam as long as it achieves familial balance and stability in family life and helps in detecting genetic diseases of the fetuses, through genetic examination of the embryos before implantation, which is a necessary procedure.

Here, we confirm that the Alpha Center uses the latest technologies and modern devices to ensure the safety of withdrawing and transferring embryos, and we stress the need for genetic examination of embryos to obtain the best results and to ensure the birth of newborns healthy from any diseases.

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It is a beautiful and wonderful feeling to carry a baby inside you for nine months and bear all the troubles, problems and worries during this period; Rather, it is more beautiful to ease all these pains as soon as your child is born, hear his voice, and feel his warmth and softness.


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