أنواع المناظير-لتشخيص-وعلاج-أمراض-النساء

Everything you need to know about detailed endoscopy and gynecological treatment

The surgical endoscope is used in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases and problems related to gynecology and obstetrics. In this article, we explain in detail the uses of the endoscopes in the Alpha Center, which show their importance as an essential step for diagnosing and treating problems related to delayed childbearing, which is an important element in increasing the success of pregnancy rates in the center compared to reproductive treatment centers. other.


Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Endometriosis is used in the diagnosis of many gynecological diseases, including endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and some fibroids. The endoscopy is done through simple openings in the abdominal wall that enable the doctor to see the genitals, bladder, small intestine, and large intestine.


Therapeutic Laparoscopy

Therapeutic laparoscopy can be performed at the same time as the diagnostic laparoscopy to treat some conditions such as dismantling pelvic adhesions, resolving fallopian tubes blockages, removing ectopic pregnancies, and also to treat some delicate surgeries such as hysterectomy or hysterectomy.

The laparoscopic procedure is distinguished by the short duration of stay in the hospital after the operation, the speed of recovery and the return to normal life activities, compared to other laparotomy operations, which require a longer recovery time and expose the patient to a higher rate of complications from anesthesia and surgery.

As for the cost of the endoscopy, it varies from one center to another, as the cost depends on many factors, including the skill of the surgeons, the medical reasons for performing the operation, as well as the general health condition of the patient.



Hysteroscopy is a safe procedure and does not require many precautions, as it can be performed in the clinic, and the patient can be discharged shortly after. However, there are some disturbing effects as a result of this procedure, including the feeling of contractions in the lower abdomen, minor vaginal bleeding, and gas, but these symptoms usually do not exceed 24 hours. It is necessary to reassure the patient and prepare her in advance, and confirm that they are normal and possible symptoms, and they will quickly disappear without complications.

Reasons for using a hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy is used to diagnose and treat many diseases, including:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of infertility cases.
  • Dismantle the adhesions of the uterine tubes.
  • Diagnosis and removal of the uterine septum.
  • Fibroids within the uterine cavity.
  • Cervicitis.
  • Migrant endometriosis


The importance of hysteroscopy in ICSI cases

Many believe that a hysteroscopy is not necessary before starting ICSI, and that TV x-rays give sufficient information about the condition of the uterus. However, studies have shown that performing a hysteroscopy before ICSI contributes to increasing the success rate of pregnancy through ICSI. Due to what the hysteroscopy contributes to discovering things inside the uterus that did not appear before, such as uterine appendages or uterine tumors and endometrial problems that do not bear embryos and reduce the success of artificial fertilization.

It is worth noting that the hysteroscopy contributed to an increase in the success rate of ICSI in Alpha centers by 60%, and it is one of the most important secrets of the success of ICSI in the center from the first attempt.

How do you prepare before performing a hysteroscopy?

There are a number of tips we recommend to the ladies at the Alpha Center before performing a hysteroscopy, including:

  • Be calm and relaxed and avoid anxiety and stress or listen to negative opinions from those around you. And make sure that each case is different from the other, and that the decision is up to your doctor if he thinks that the hysteroscopy is a necessary step for the success of ICSI.
  • Sufficient sleep the night before the hysteroscopy, while abstaining from eating and drinking, equivalent to 12 hours before the operation.
  • It is preferable to take a laxative to prevent constipation after the operation and to take an analgesic such as Paracetamol before the operation to reduce the annoying pain after the operation.
  • Finally, if you are allergic to any of the medications, you should inform the doctor immediately before the procedure.


When is the hysteroscopy done?

Usually, we perform a hysteroscopy a week after the end of the menstrual cycle, at a date determined by the doctor, according to the circumstances of each case, and based on the procedure that will be taken, whether it is a diagnosis only or a surgical intervention in proportion to the existing problem.

Does pregnancy occur after a hysteroscopy?

At Alpha Centers for the Treatment of Delayed Pregnancy, we emphasize that the success of pregnancy after hysteroscopy depends on a number of different factors. The hysteroscopy may be done for diagnosis only, and in this case it will not be associated with a higher chance of pregnancy after the operation, but rather after undergoing appropriate treatment after diagnosing the cause of delayed pregnancy.

My dear, who is looking for answers regarding the endoscopy procedure as a necessary step to treat delayed pregnancy

Alpha Center provides you with all adequate answers that explain all your questions, from previous successful experiences and a success journey of more than 30 years in the field of infertility treatment and ICSI. For more information, please contact the center numbers. Our medical team is ready to answer all your inquiries around the clock.

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It is a beautiful and wonderful feeling to carry a baby inside you for nine months and bear all the troubles, problems and worries during this period; Rather, it is more beautiful to ease all these pains as soon as your child is born, hear his voice, and feel his warmth and softness.


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